School:  Willow Springs R-IV Page No. 1

M I N U T E S  O F  B O A R D  M E E T I N G

Regular Session Board Conference Room 6:00 p.m., January 9, 2023
Kind of Meeting Place Time and Date

    I. A quorum being present and due notice having been published, the regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Willow Springs R-IV School District was called to order by President Mac Gum.  Other members present included: Adam Webb, Matt Hobson, Scott Foster, Jeff Lovan, Brent Colley, Marty Spence, Superintendent and Mandy Scarbrough Board Secretary. 
  II. Guests present at the meeting: Kim Rich, Larry Huitt, Kathy Picard, Debbie Bryan, Misty Pitts, Patty Siler, Adalynn Siler, Brad Siler, Crystal Revels, Casey Dugger, Andrew Gilbert, Jessica Gilbert, Roger Shanks, Jayden Cunningham, Jase Barker, Molly Pitts, Amaris Siler, Hadley Gilbert, Savannah Shanks, Anthony Revels, and Garrett Dugger. 
                   Board Secretary Mandy Scarbrough swore in Nolan Perkins to be the Student Representative on the        board from January 2023-December 2023.  


            A. Approval of the agenda 

            B. Approval of open minutes from December meeting.

            C. The balance of all funds is currently $5,020,657.61.  Last month’s balance was $4,497,304.77 and the
   balance one year ago was $2,681,133.81.

            D. Approval of bills payable 

Motion by Adam Webb, seconded by Matt Hobson to move personnel to closed session. Motion carried 6-0

Motion by ­­­­­­­­­Brent Colley seconded by Jeff Lovan to approve the items on the consent agenda. Motion carried 6-0.


    A. The Board reviewed the Administrator’s reports for the district.

    B. The Elementary Student Leadership team spoke to the board about the leadership activities that is taking place in the Elementary. 

    C. The Board reviewed the results of the Board self-evaluation. 

    D. The Board discussed the timeline for the vacant seat. The timeline will be January 10 send information to the newspaper and receive applications until January 27. Review and select the new board member at the special session meeting on February 6 at 6:00pm. 

    E. Dr. Spence discussed having a winter retreat on Saturday, February 11 at 9:00am at Echo Bluff State Park.  


    F. Motion by Adam Webb seconded by Scott Foster to approve the process to fill the vacant board member seat as follows:  The term will run until the 2024 April Election. Applications will be available at the Central Office, 215 W. 4th St. Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm and must be submitted to the Central Office by 4:30 PM on January 27, 2023. Applications will be reviewed by the Board at the February 6th Special Session Meeting starting at 6:00pm. The chosen candidate will then be sworn in at the conclusion of the meeting. Motion carried 6-0

    B. Motion by Adam Webb, seconded by Matt Hobson to approve the date for the Winter Board Retreat on Saturday, February 11 at 9:00 at Echo Bluff State Park Motion carried 6-0

    C. Motion by Adam Webb, seconded by Matt Hobson to approve the 2022 Audit from Thomas and Douglas Company as presented.  Motion carried 6-0. 


    A. Motion by Matt Hobson, seconded by Brent Colley to adjourn to executive session for hiring, firing, disciplining, or promoting employees 610.021 (2) individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees, Section 610.021 (13); closed meeting, closed record, closed vote A roll call vote was taken.  
All voted aye.

Returned to Open Session 9:17pm

Motion by Matt Hobson seconded by Adam Webb to approve the following personnel:  Substitutes: Crystal Kunze and Scott Smith., New hires: Whitney Phillips Bus Driver and Bonnie Pyatt Paraprofessional, Resignations: Cody McDermitt Paraprofessional, Stacey Johnson Interventionist, Cindy Hutsell HS Business, Julie Lovelace MS Teacher, and Brenda Jackson Interventionist. Motion carried 6-0

Motion by Matt Hobson seconded by Scott Foster to extend the contract of employment for Dr. Marty Spence, Superintendent, through the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried 6-0


Motion by Brent Colley seconded by Scott Foster to adjourn.  Motion carried 6-0.

___________________________________                    __________________________________
President                                                                           Secretary

Closed Session
Motion by Brent Colley, seconded by Matt Hobson to approve the closed minutes from November 2022. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye: Adam Webb, Matt Hobson, Brent Colley, Jeff Lovan, Scott Foster, and Mac Gum.